Saturday, May 11, 2024

lady of the lake, top completed

Lady of the Lake
top completed 2024
96 by 80 inches
120 blocks
block finishes 8 inches

I love this traditional block. The large triangle is a great place to feature fabrics.
There are many variations of the block, I went with the simple one.
Details of block construction and unit assembly are here.

I started this last summer along with the Ocean Waves. Both are triangle heavy and my wanting to keep the fabric images oriented a certain way made it efficient to work on both at the same time. All that triangle making made it a slog. But, I am glad I persevered and look forward to them being quilted.
My design using a traditional block. Use at your pleasure.

Alice came out to play

Backing is by Miriam Bos for Dear Stella


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that quilt is so pretty.

Jenny said...

So beautiful, all those tiny triangles must have taken some time. Your work is wonderful.

Helenchaffin said...

What a beautiful quilt block,the overall quilt is gorgeous!

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

Wow, what a terrific quilt!

Anonymous said...

Another lovely quilt!!
