Tuesday, March 15, 2022

farewell, dear friend

My dear friend Sharon Sikes died a year ago.
When her husband was taking apart the house he asked if I wanted anything. 
I asked for this little ruby dish he quickly located next to her sewing machine.

A decade ago I wrote about her encouraging me to have a small bowl next to my sewing machine to hold feet when they are changed, and a package of needles.
Her little ruby bowl now sits next to my bowl.

Sharon and I used to go to estate sales and tidy up the sewing sections. She had a passion for buying what she called "Dead Women's Notions".

Missing her today and lovingly using her ruby bowl.


Sally Langston Warren said...

That was so thoughtful of Sharon’s husband to ask if you wanted anything. The bowl is a nifty idea. I went back to your original post about her tip and just died laughing. Y’all are definitely my kind of people!

jmsx3 said...

Thank you for this little memory -- I love estate sale sewing notions, although I will admit to being a little judgmental. I was taught to sew by a careful seamstress who was well-organized (thanks, Mom!), so my supplies are pretty well organized. Here are things that you find in someone else's sewing cabinet: bits of elastic cut from men's underwear; old bra backs; miscellaneous pieces of velcro; spools of thread stored with needles stuck in them; pincushions with millions of hiding needles in them; tons of single button packs from store-bought blouses; assorted iron-on patches; old pill bottles with needles in them; old glass baby food jars with a few buttons. I can tell you what kind of seamstress that woman might have been, even if I never know her name. And once I came across an estate sale for a woman who made aprons to sell at flea markets -- she had a bedroom filled with 10 or 12 industrial metal shelves with stacks of fabric, thousands of cuts dating back to the 1960's. Such a lot of fun.

Jenny said...

Its always so sad to lose a special friend. But you can remember all the good times you had together, your shared love of sewing, and think of her each time you use her precious ruby bowl.

Gale Bulkley said...

I think Sharon had a fun sense of humour. It will be nice to be reminded of it when you use that special ruby bowl.

Sandy said...

What a wonderful keepsake from your friend.

rondiquilts said...

Beautiful post. I had a precious quilt friend that passed from cancer. I think of her often. When we last saw her she had pieces in her sewing room picked out just for me and two others to have to remember her by. She had a bucket list and on it was to go to AQS in Paducah. My husband and I took her the spring before her death. My community of quilters means the world to me. Thank you for always posting and sharing patterns and tutes.


Elaine Adair said...

I read your Anniversary post and noted the photo of you and husband, with your dh licking his lips like "EAGER" to get on with living! So cute! and lovely picture of your women, you and your sisters, all so innocent-looking. All so sweet. Congratulations. Also, nice story about the lovely bowl.

This morning, the photo of the ties, kinda hit me with their beginning simplicity, but looking far more complex when finished. Oh no, I just cannot start another project. 8-)))