Thursday, December 05, 2019

steps, top completed

Top finishes 81 by 96 inches
Block finishes 6 by 9 inches
134 whole blocks, 10 2/3rd blocks, 10 1/3rd blocks

A very simple block I want to explore some more.
My design, use at your pleasure.
full block
Solid: two 3 1/2 inch squares
Print: two 3 1/2 by 6 1/2 inch rectangles
(There are also partial blocks cut from 3 1/2 inch squares and 6 1/2 inch rectangles)

Sew square to rectangle, press towards rectangle.
Then sew two together, pressing every other block up or down

Row assembly
Row A of nine whole blocks,
Row B starting with 2/3 block, 8 whole blocks, ending with 1/3 block
Row C starting with 1/3 block, 8 whole blocks, ending with 2/3 block
Press all rows to one direction, I chose to the right of the quilt
Sew into five units of three rows
(I made an extra A row to put at the bottom to add a little length)

Top assembly
Sew units together, pressing all rows up
All seams will nest

The partial blocks I changed the orientation of a few blocks to feature some larger elements like Alice and the line-up of men (a gift from Wanda Hanson of Exuberant Color).
2/3 block
1/3 block
This top is kind of a Joseph's coat mixture of value in both the solids and the prints. It would also work well with a controlled use of solids or prints.


  1. I love this step block piece--such fun...I am in the midst of sewing 4-patches that have been hanging out in my stash for 4 years or squares and rectangles...thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  2. Since the pieces are so big compare to the usual 2.5 X 4.5 inches, this block shows the fabric so well. Great stash buster for novelty prints. Great job! ;^)

  3. Great finish and great colors! I like the H blocks with the arrow in the previous post oo!!

  4. Oh now I know which scrap quilt I should like to make next year!! My baskets and boxes of scraps would be ideal for your pattern., the quilt is beautiful.


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