Thursday, November 21, 2019

tip #50, make an artifact

My Hillary quilt top was packed up in 2016 in preparation for our move. This week I decided it needed to be finished as an artifact of that time.
For anyone who argues that politics do not belong in quiltmaking, I strongly disagree.
Throughout quilting history quiltmakers have expressed political opinions in their work. The topics of the day remain as artifacts of our quilting language: Burgoyne Surrounded, 54-40 or Fight, Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, Amethyst, Kansas Troubles.
The impeachment hearings are making me anxious and my way of dealing with that is handwork.
Are you a Donald Trump supporter? Let your descendants know by making a T quilt.
As for me, I am at work on an I is for Impeachment quilt.


  1. I really like your quilt, and your post.

  2. Great quilt, love the colors and I AGREE an I quilt is needed.

  3. Brilliant, Lynn! I made a pot holder out of that block design, and am so glad I did.

  4. I love this quilt! When I read that you packed it up in 2016, I thought perhaps it was in despair over the outcome of that election. I’ll never forget the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as the election returns came in. I love this quilt and I’ll be looking forward to seeing I is for Impeachment, too!

  5. Love your Hillary quilt and look forward to your I quilt. I'm with you all the way on your thinking.

  6. That is a beautiful, colorful quilt and it is a great artifact of history. Some people like to express political opinions in their quilts and some do not. I agree with you - they can certainly express their opinions whatever it is in their quilts or not. Up to the quilter.

  7. Love your quilt and your thinking! I’m really looking forward to seeing your I is for Impeachment blocks/quilt. That sounds like one to add to my list.

  8. Lovely Hillary Quilt and great to be putting on the binding.

  9. It is a most interesting topic, politics and quilting. Self expression is important and the use of symbolism in quilting during the slavery era came to my mind. Meanwhile I read back a number of posts and got to see many of your colourful quilts. Wonderful!

  10. I agree with your perspective in this post. A label would add to the artifact aspect of the quilt. I would be interested in seeing your I quilt. I wish it could be I & R !

  11. I have never been one to express my thoughts or beliefs into a quilt, but I am glad there are quilters that do. I am sure you will put a label on this piece so in the future the design behind this piece will be understood. Yes, I wish he would take the high road and just resign like Nixon did, but he doesn't think he had done anything wrong. He reminds me of someone that I grew up with who was a bully, a manipulator, and was a power monger, otherwise know as a sociopath. They will continue to make everyone's life miserable if they don't get their own way.

  12. I is for Impeachment quilt is a brilliant idea. Just might have to do this.

  13. Oh, now I want to make an I quilt, too! Great idea

  14. Love this block/quilt. I might have to make one myself!

  15. I am glad you are finishing this one! If I cannot stand the anxiety of the whole hearing, I watch Seth Meyers give a succinct summary.

  16. I'm glad you brought it out again. I love it.


  17. I look forward to seeing your I quilt. Not sure how some of my quilt group would react if I made one -- may need one anyway.


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