Monday, December 04, 2017

setting up!

Before everything went into storage in July, I had my machines serviced. I am amazed how much oil is underneath them. I will take time to clean and re-oil before actually sewing.
BUT, look!!
I cleared off a space! Enough for a machine!

We are building out the closets of our new place one by one, as we determine how we will use them.
My fabrics and sewing supplies will be split between the guest room closet and a sewing nook. Here you see the nook with piles and piles. I will build out the closet first, then sew in this space for a bit to see how I am using it before building it out. I don't expect that to happen until spring.
But, sewing can and will take place this week!
Now, to find my iron...


  1. OH...progress!! I know you will be so happy when you are stitching!

  2. Yay! I can feel the call of your two Berninas, "Use me!" "No, me! Pleeeeeeze!" And project boxes! What lovelies lie underneath those lids? Have fun, Lynn!

  3. Congrates on your new place and getting your machine out and ready to go! Have fun!

  4. I have that same Bernina Record - what a solid beautiful machine - it was my grandma’s. I have a newer machine too but love that Record.

  5. Good memories for your new home:)


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