Friday, December 01, 2017

a new fabric line!

Check out the delightful fabrics a Latifah Saafir Studios.
I love these two, the jump rope handles measure 3 inches (Double Dutch).
The largest utility poles measure 8 1/2 inches (Power Lines).

As a city dweller, I love how she takes urban and industrial themes to wonderful levels.

AND, we are moved!
Our expected 5 weeks with our daughter turned into 4 months. She was wonderfully gracious about it.
Thanks to the force of nature strength and determination of my sisters, we have unpacked to the point of having a functional home.
Next up, setting up my sewing area. I plan to get enough space for a machine for now, then see how I work in the space before deciding on how to plan the build out.
Other than the hand sewing on the paraments, I have not sewn since my birthday mid July.
It is time to be in front of the machine again!!


  1. Yahoo! Glad you are moved in and making forward progress!!

  2. I'm glad to hear you finally made the big move and hope the studio design becomes clear as you work in there. It will be fun unpacking the sewing items and finding places for them.

  3. So happy to hear you have your own place. I mean, it's nice living with another family for a while but 4 months is a long time. To be in your own home with your own things AND a sewing machine is very important for a woman. So Enjoy! Love the fabric! ;^)

  4. Sorry your moved was so delayed. You have been missed. How nice you'll be in your own home for Christmas. Blessings to you.

  5. Congratulations on your new digs. Hope the new place is fabulous.

  6. You've landed! So happy to hear you are in your new place, and can get a little sewing therapy in betwixt the unpacking. And cheers to daughters and sisters for coming through. Happy holidays in your new home!


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