Friday, April 22, 2016

dead women's notions

I stopped by an estate sale a few neighborhoods away from ours after class this noon. My friend Sharon Sikes refers to the sewing supplies we find at estate sales and thrift shops as "dead women's notions".
I find myself at these estate sales tidying up their sewing areas. Today I had the workers move the cams boxes from one machine to the correct one. I made sure the right bobbins were with each.

Mrs. Kahler was a woman who loved her neighbors--she had a Altoids tin filled with clippings of estate sales, real estate listings, and death notices of her neighbors. A Sucrets tin held her labels for projects beyond what she completed.
There were lots of spools and buttons and an iron I was interested in but when plugged, didn't work.

So I came away with just this beautiful little Wiss scissors.
Violet, I will take good care of them and use them well.


  1. Love the little Wiss scissors. I had to laugh at you tidying up the sewing supplies. I do the same thing. It's especially bad in clothing stores, I have to rehang things that have fallen off hangers. No, I never worked in retail clothing, I'm a retired nurse. Go figure.

  2. Ha! I'm sure Mrs. Kahler would be glad to know you cleaned things up a bit for her. I hope she had a sense of humor and would have chuckled (as I did) at "dead women's notions!"


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