Thursday, April 21, 2016

circa 2016 sew-a-long--center completed

FINALLY, a chance to do a bit of sewing. Only knitting and some bindings have been worked on since February.
I stole away the morning to finish the center of the Temecula Quilts sew-a-long.
These blocks finish 2 1/4 inches. Instead of the instructed setting pieces, I cut the side triangles from 6 inch squares cut both ways diagonally, and the corner triangles from 4 1/4 inches squares cut diagonally once--but I should have cut those squares closer to 5 inches as they just barely fit. Then I squared it up to 14 inches and added the hourglass blocks.
I look forward to catching up on the 3 inch blocks.

Tulips are blooming and I'm wearing my new hand-knit socks.
Thanks, Janna for the bulbs, Seth for planting them, and Marcia for the socks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love the little quilt! And the socks!



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