Thursday, July 09, 2015

...and all ships at sea--top completed

This quilt was made from the tutorial on Claire Witherspoon's blog Cspoonquilt. She wrote it inspired by a vintage quilt posted by Barbara Brackman. You can follow the ships label below to my previous posts showing the process of making this quilt. The block is 10 inches finished and the top measures 70 by 80.

One thing I found in putting the quilt together, I first was forcing the pressing method to ensure no twisted seams. I discovered the top would go together easier and lay flatter by allowing those "twisted sisters" to happen. By letting the seams decide how to lay by the end of putting it together it was easier. (I did not go back and resew those I forced.)

Thanks, Claire and Barbara for your inspiration.

Here is the tutorial:
Here is the quilt on Barbara's blog.

It was so much fun pairing big loud prints and solids. I have several favorites but especially like the hot pink ship on the pistachio ground with big brown dots. I purchased that fabric at Mood in New York and the cutter smiled when he saw I chose that fabric.


  1. Awesome!! I love your colorful ships!

  2. Your quilt is truly a sailor's delight. I hope you have fair winds and fallowing seas for the finish!

  3. As always, great quilt!

  4. You make such fun and happy quilts! I think that is what quilting is about .... Happy quilts make us feel good both to make and cuddle under! You are an inspiration to me! Happy summer!

  5. Oh, Lynn, I looks fabulous!! I love all the variety in the prints and the solids! And you've reminded me what a great quilt this is and I need to make more blocks!!!I've only made 2 since that post. Oh well it will get done! back at you on the inspiration, Thanks!! cheers, cw


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