Monday, June 22, 2015

an extravagant welcome, installed

It was such a delight making this quilt. If you click the label below, you will be brought to all posts I made while making the quilt, along with detailed tutorials on how to make the various blocks.
The project was made replicating the ideas and lay-out of a group quilt designed by Melissa Kane for a raffle quilt made by members of Illinois Quilters, Inc.
Beautifully quilted by Sue DiVarco.
Measures about 80 by 120. Blocks finish 4 by 6.

Andy and I donated it to St Pauls with gratitude for our children's church school education. It was installed in the Social Hall.


  1. Wow, this is wonderful and how fun to search the quilt for donated fabrics and different clothing styles. What a gift to the children (and adults) of the church.

  2. This is just delightful! And what a wonderful way to use up a variety of scraps. I love it!

  3. You are just the best! I know your church loves it, and I do too!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A beautiful and generous gift!

  6. Wow! What a great quilt. So much fun.:)

  7. Lynn, it brings a tear to my eye to see it. What a beautiful gift.

  8. So Scrappy and wonderful! And a very fitting gift to honor your churches education program. And I really love the quilting too! Putting the double lines off the center frame the children blocks perfectly!! cheers!

  9. Lovely to see this especially as I took part in swap of these blocks in 2012 inspired by your your blog. I've finished my quilt too but it's not so big. Thanks for all your tutorials back then. Mary

  10. Love this quilt! Bet it was fun making each block.


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