Monday, April 20, 2015

visiting my quilts

I spent a few days traveling to visit my mother, stopping by my sister Beth.
And, checking out the care of quilts of mine living at their houses!

Here is my Aunt Betty (who sewed on a grasshopper green Elna) and my mom (who sewed on a Pfaff 330 that my dad bought for her when he was stationed in Germany).

 I love this coop building. We are losing so many of our agricultural buildings. Barn and outbuilding upkeep is expensive. And many coop buildings are being torn down for larger storage facilities, so I was glad to see this one is in good repair.

 Looking north at the home place fields.
 Plum trees in the fencerows at the Hibma place. Ready to blossom--I'm sorry that I missed that by about 2 days.


  1. I like the quilt on the sofa back. Is it a quilt made with no duplicate fabrics?

  2. A wonderful trip--relatives, quilts, farm buildings, fields...ahhhh.



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