Friday, April 03, 2015

taking apart a sewing room

My next door neighbor Laurie called today--the children of the neighbors on the other side of them are clearing the house out. When their mother died about 17 years ago they closed the door to her sewing room, not to open it again until today.
Laurie brought many, many boxes and bags to her porch and started calling the neighbors.
Those of us with sewing friends each took about a third of what was left and brought to our own porches.
My friends will be coming tomorrow. Friend Sharon Sikes refers to such finds as "dead women's notions". A macabre but funny term that comes to mind every time I see sewing items at a thrift store.

Anyway, this is my definitely keep pile from Lorraine's stash. She was an avid quilter in the 80's and 90's and included in this pile are some lovely pieces from the first Smithsonian collection. Also some favorite fabrics from my past that I used up and am delighted to be able to add back into my current works. They will be a wonderful reminder of Lorraine who was a dear neighbor who would grow tomatoes in vast quantities so that she could have an excuse to visit all the neighbors on the block and drop off a few every evening in the late summer.  If we weren't home, we would find them on our porches. I was privileged to do some care for her in her dying days.

My quilting small group has discussed that we need to assist each others families when our sewing rooms need to be taken apart. It is an honor to do this duty.


  1. Oh how sad!! But someone has to grab the torch and keep the flame alive. Gorgeous fabric. Enjoy the excitement that new fabric brings.

  2. It is an honor for you to receive the fabric. I just received 65 yards from a friend in Tx for my church quilts.

  3. Lorraine was a wonderful neighbor. I think she would like knowing that the neighbors can make new quilts with her treasured fabric. I remember she and her husband would get in their car every day and one would say "north, south, east or west?" They probably visited every fabric store in the state. I'm glad to have some of her fabric, too, and to have eaten many of her tomatoes! We have great neighbors and quilting buddies.

  4. What a great rememberance it will be to make something nice from that fabric. I was surprised to find an American blog with a Dutch name! Greetings from Holland!

  5. I just read this post (a few days late, found on juliekquilt blog). What a wonderful neighborhood! Every one has porches sounds so southern. I am in the south and no porches where I live and no one walks and deliver tomatoes. Enjoyed the conversation. I too love other peoples fabric! I buy a lot at estate sales.


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