Sunday, January 21, 2024

ocean waves, top completed

Ocean Waves
Top completed 2024
96 by 80 inches
120 blocks
Block finishes 10 inches
Block and unit directions are HERE.

I layed out the 4-block units, alternating A and B units.
Sewed into A over B and B over A sets of 8, then into 3 rows.
Almost everything nests.

My construction design variation of a traditional pattern. Use at your pleasure.

backing from Dear Stella


  1. Oh my goodness all those tiny blocks😄I can see why it's called Ocean wave,almost makes me dizzy lol I luv it!

  2. Wonderful sparkling quilt! Thanks for the directions and how it was pieced. It helps me understand the quilt.

  3. wow that is pretty and so neatly made

  4. Another beautiful quilt, you are such an inspiration.

  5. What a pretty quilt top!


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