Friday, January 18, 2019


Finishes 8 inches
A complicated block
Mainly in the pressing. I'll include my pressing plan at the end of this post.
Fabric choices easiest with non-directional unless you don't worry about such.
I will save most of my directional fabrics for the setting triangles.

The block is scaled up from the AQSblog 2017 Christmas Countdown. I also changed the body of the basket to a single piece.
Block finishes 8 inches (about 12 inches on point).
I don't know how big I will go with this quilt. I'll post about the setting pieces when I decide that. (This may be months away from now.)

-four half square triangles cut from 2 1/2 inch strip with Easy Angle or Bonnie Hunter's triangle tool
-two shapes (some call it a chisel shape)  cut from 2 1/2 inch strips using a tool cut so they are finishing 4 inches; from the equivalent of a 4 1/2 inch piece. It will measure 4 1/2 inches from the blunted point along the long edge.
I will demonstrate below.
(If you don't want to cut the chisel shape, replace each with one square and one triangle.)

-three 2 1/2 inch squares
-four half square triangles cut from 2 1/2 inch strip with a tool
-one half square triangle from 4 1/2 inch strip; or from the corner of the yardage.
I will demonstrate below.
cutting chisel shape using Easy Angle
blunt point
cutting the bottom triangle from yardage corner

Chisel shape: press solid to the print.
Press chisel units to the print rectangles
Top triangles: press to the solid, then press to the print squares.
Press to the center so the print triangles of this unit and the chisel unit nest.
Base: press triangles to the square, press base to the print.
Quarter blocks: press towards the chisel units
Half block: along the equator, press half of your blocks north and half of them south so all blocks will nest.

1 comment:

  1. Super sweet basket blocks! Will be fun to see what you decide to do with them.


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