Wednesday, December 05, 2018


It has been a busy fall semester and will be a busy spring semester too. Final grading is this coming week.
I have three more quilts ready for binding work. I try to do handwork every Sunday evening.
For the first in a very long time I have nothing at the quilter. Several projects started at LeClaire remain, and a few begun here. I will need to organize myself so that I have sewing ready to go when I can fit it in.


  1. What fun to be working on the binding on three quilts! Gorgeous work as usual.:) Always a pleasure to see what you're up to with the quilting adventures!

  2. I have missed seeing your progress on new quilts, but I understand your "day job" comes first. I love the two quilts you are now binding! I'll be patient for whatever comes next. :-)

  3. I love Flicker the most but they are all wonderful. Enjoy the slow stitching and the last hug from these quilts as you stitch down the binding before handing them off as I know you will do over the Christmas season. Enjoy! ;^)


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