Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Our Scholten family has had reunions periodically over the years. Last week we met at my sister Beth's house.
My mom found this photo of the first Scholten reunion, organized in 1915 by my great-grandfather Jan Scholten who came to America as a homesteader in 1870. Over 150 attended!
It pictures the young people who helped set it up--my three great-aunts, Hattie and Jo on the left and Beth on the right, and my grandfather Jan is somewhere in the back row. Note the flag of the Netherlands along side the American flag.

I took along a stack of quilts to give to my cousins.
Vern loved the turkeys
Lorelei chose a sampler
Neil came on his Harley Davidson so this Dragon Teeth was just the right size to fit into his pack
Mary gets two! 
Erica and Rachel chose some nice ones
I like this one that Helen selected
My brothers-in-law made some birdhouses for the cousins using license plates from my late brother Lee's collections.


  1. How fun!! I am glad you reunited with everyone...and brought them quilts...awesome!!

  2. Sure wish I was a Scholten cousin! What a wonderful reunion! Looks like the weather blessed you too. I hope your clan has many more!

  3. How wonderful that you have these reunions and share such lovely gifts! I do love the picture from the first reunion, all the women in their white dresses. So pretty!

  4. I see IOWA on lots of those license plates. Did your family live in Pella??? In 1955 my freshman roomie at Iowa State was from Pella.

  5. We are of the NW Iowa and northern Michigan Dutch. I hope you had a good roommate! We often say the Dutch kicked out the bad housekeepers and we descend from them...

  6. Our DeRyke reunion is this weekend. So good to get together with family. I bet your quilt tops were appreciated.

  7. Yay for the recipients of the quilts! Family reunions can be precious.:)

  8. I really like the Scot's Plaid quilt that was gifted to Mary. I liked it so much that I Googled it and made a test block. This may just make a great new Leader/Ender project. Thank you!

  9. Love the love!


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