Wednesday, June 20, 2018

flicker, top completed

Block finishes 9 1/2 inches

99 blocks
Set 9 by 11
85.5 inches by 104.5 inches

Print: four 5 inch squares
Solid: two 3 inch squares

I used Doug Leko's Simple Folded Corner Ruler. You could use any sew and flip version.

To the solid triangles, to the print squares, to one side of the block

Rotate every other block and all seams will abut

This is a big quilt! I like the bits of color flickering over the prints.It is one of the simplest in the series and went together quickly.

That sort of figure 8 look in the middle of the quilt is irritating me, but it only is strong in photographs and is much less prominent in real life. I'll look at it under different light and see if I need to do some block moving.


  1. Another gorgeous quilt in the scrap series! Also, do you recommend that folded corner ruler? I'm trying to decide if I want to invest in it. There is only so much space in a sewing room...

  2. Great name for this quilt and it's just lovely looking. I know what you mean about photos sometimes overemphasizing something that seemed just fine before the picture.:)


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