Sunday, April 29, 2018

hourglass, solids on prints

Hourglass blocks, next up for the solids on prints.

Cutting squares at 9 1/2 inches then into quarter triangles. Setting aside two for another project then sewing these into blocks and plan on trimming down to 8 1/2 inches it I can get that. I am a very accurate piecer, but with these large pieces, a bit of that is lost.
Planning to set 10 by 12.

This was my distract-myself-from-preparing-taxes project! So good to cut into the fabric I bought since packing up my sewing space almost a year ago and mixing it with fabrics I am unpacking now.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, this would be a faster finish that the 1.5" square postage stamp one... but there are wedding and baby quilts in the now. I'll probably start as you finish.


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