Monday, November 20, 2017

paraments ready for totenfest

In honor of a retiring pastor at St Pauls, I was asked to make paraments for the white seasons of the church.
Top is the lectern piece, then the pulpit piece. Below, the altar cloth.
I finished them yesterday and today installed them for this coming Sunday, the last day of the liturgical year when we celebrate Totenfest, a day of memorial for members who died in the past year.
They then will be tucked away for the four weeks of Advent, and will come back out for Christmas.
I love being in the sanctuary all by myself. Such a quiet and lovely space.


  1. So lovely. What a wonderful gift to your congregation. I'm so happy you are blogging again. :-) You've been missed.

  2. I do love an empty sanctuary for the peace and inner tranquility it provides.


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