Monday, July 10, 2017


The block is Portuguese tile. Several commercial patterns are out there and lots of actual Portuguese tile floors and walls also. It is another example of robbing-peter-to-pay-paul fabric placement.

I drafted mine to a finished block size of 5 by 14 inches.
All cut from 3 inch strips.
Solid: two 3 by 7 1/2 inch rectangles, two 3 inch squares
Print: two 3 by 7 1/2 inch rectangles, two 3 inch squares

I was using my EZ angle to cut the corners, then read Bonnie Hunter's review of Doug Leko's Simple Folded Corner Ruler. I picked one up and like how the size adds stability and the markings add accuracy to this task.

It is time to pack up my what remains in my sewing room.
I have kitted lots of projects to keep me going over the next months of being between places and to have ready when we get settled this fall.
Each has sample blocks ready to remind me what I was doing.


  1. What a great simple design which yields stunning results.

  2. Love it! Your imagination knows no bounds!


  3. Great idea for a comfort quilt for a child

  4. What a great idea for a child


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