Saturday, June 03, 2017

unit blocks

This is not an auspicious setting of tatami mats, but it is not made with tatami mats, so I do not anticipate bad fortune.
It is made with unit blocks, twice as long as wide, the proportion of kindergarten wooden building blocks (and tatami mats).
I used this same block (smaller scale, finished block was 4 inches) in a quilt in 2013 with a more random scrap placement.

This time it is in a robbing-peter-to-pay-paul fabric placement.
I have seen a similar block online several places, usually made with several sizes of pieces.
It is all made with unit blocks, cut 2 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches, to finish 2 by 4 inches.
Four solids and four prints.
A 2 1/2 inch strip exactly 18 inches of fabric yields the pieces for one block. More fabric is needed if you are dealing with directional prints.
Block finishes 8 inches.

Construction works best when piecing two blocks.
Sew the center column and press all towards the solid end rectangle.
Sew the side pieces pressed to the print.
Block A press to center column.
Block B press away from center column.
Then, sew the two blocks together nesting the seams.
Sew into rows and the whole quilt should nest.
(I've only made the four blocks above, so we will see...)

Our time between homes will involve a wandering existence for a while, so I am cutting this and a few other projects that I can work on wherever I set up my machine.

I do have a commission due the end of the month that will take most of my creative energy and sewing time.
Note to self: no more commissions.


  1. This is a great scrap busting block.

  2. This one is a tessellation to isn't it? I like this one too. I must get my solids out and just start cutting.


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