Saturday, June 24, 2017

tipping the scales?

When does a series of quilts tip into a "crazy cat lady" obsession?
The solids and prints quilts have been a wonderful way for me to revisit deep stash as we have prepared for our move.
I like them as they give me a focus. I figure out what block to work with, and, with repetitive cutting and sewing, a new quilt results.
I do look forward to something else taking my interest soon. Until then, this continues.

Completed so far: (not all photographed and posted yet as some have been packed up already)
churn dash
geese in flight
framed nine-patch

Tops awaiting quilting:

Cut and kitted for sewing while on the move:
double four-patch
party line
unit blocks peter/paul

Sample blocks made:
keyhole peter/paul

Portuguese tile


  1. I really admire the way you have mixed your solid fabrics with the deep stash. It's such a great way to use up some of those fabrics that were probably more interesting years ago when we first bought them! Definitely taking notes for a future quilt! I had to laugh at your 'crazy cat lady' theory though. That's exactly what I've been wondering about my basket quilts! It seems like there's always another one popping up on the horizon around here!

  2. you already know I am a big fan of your use of solids. interested to see what you are thinking of next. best wishes with the move..d

  3. I love your quilts! I too am using deep is great fun!

  4. Your quilts are wonderful! You are not a "crazy cat lady", you just work with what you like! Keep it up!
    I'm trying to make quilts from stash ...... but my attention span is very short and I easily get sidetracked so things progress very slow.....
    Good luck with your move!

  5. They look fabulous all together! I think a show is in order!!


  6. I agree with everybody! They're beautiful. It would be great to see them hanging all together - a show in a large enough space that one could step back and really look at them.


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