Monday, June 19, 2017

monday mini--Temecula Quilt Co. sew-a-long

There is a 12-week sew-a-long on Temecula Quilt Company's blog.
I'm working in solids.
The bordered blocks now measure 4 inches, will finish to 3 1/2 inches. The tiny center blocks finish 1 1/2 inches.
This is way too much work.
And way too much fun.


  1. Oh, I like your use of solids on those little blocks! Randy over at Barristers Block is doing them all in repros. It's amazing how different they look, but both treatments a great looking!

  2. very nice...i like little blocks and especially like the solids...

  3. I love your blocks made in solids!
    I agree about the fun and the work!!


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