Thursday, July 28, 2016

churn dash, over a decade in the making

I finished the binding on this churn dash this week.
It was started when I was teaching two friends quilting techniques in classes at my home, about 15 years ago. The border is a very lovely early Hoffman I believe. Maybe a Cranston.
I look at the fabrics in this quilt and love the fabrics. Many are still in bits in my stash and cut scrap bins.
The blocks finish 7 1/2 inches
57 1/4 by 65 inches
My design, use at your pleasure
Beautifully quilted by Suzette Fisher
I finally got it to the quilter last year, and have been binding it this summer.
Seth was an adorable child when I started it. The picture of with Eve shows him with a popsicle on his face, about age 4.
And, now, an adorable young man heading to California for college, age 18 with a beard on his face.


  1. Don't worry, you're not the only one with long-term projects. I have one going back to 1974. Cannot believe your youngest is going off to college of all things. Wasn't it yesterday you posted his first day of school picture for 4th grade??? Wishing him the best of luck on his next adventure.

  2. Love the quilt, love those kids!!

  3. Oops! Forgot to sign the above "Love the quilt, love those kids!!"



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