Thursday, June 30, 2016

plus quilt, completed

It was so much fun making another tessellated cross quilt. I made one about 20 years ago, and with the current plus quilt phenomena, I was happy to make another.
You can read about my construction of the top here:

Fabrics include scraps from my mother and grandmothers sewing scraps along with new purchases, so 70+ years worth of sewing!
The pink dot was used for a dress I made for 4-H. The grey poodles were from a childhood dress.
I used some large floral pieces on the back.


  1. A wonderful finish! and such a great memory quilt of past projects!

  2. Beautiful quilt. You are so fortunate to have those memory scraps.

  3. That's another one that I want to make! Love it!


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