Saturday, January 16, 2016

red cross

57 inches by 70 inches
block measures 4 1/2 inches finished

I pieced this in 2010 in celebration of 30 years in nursing. And, finished it in 2015 in celebration of 35 years!
Crosses are made from deconstructed red plaid shirts

Crosses are cut from 2 inch strips to 2 inch squares and a 5 inch rectangle
Sashing is cut 3 1/2 inches, finishing 3 inches
Borders cut 4 inches, finishing 3 1/2 inches
Bound with red solid

And, faculty week is over, so I am back with students in the classroom, clinicals, and the lab.


  1. Love it, the design is simple yet powerful!

  2. I love the red crosses!


  3. Great job Lynn, simple and beautiful.


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