Thursday, December 03, 2015

tip # 29--be an aunt

Of all my roles in life, one that brings much joy is being an aunt.
One way I've been celebrating this is by buying the weddings shoes for my nieces. It is a rather unobtrusive way to involve myself in the wedding planning, and it gives them room in their budget for something else.
I tell them to pick what they love, and I'll pick up the check.




  1. What a fabulous thing for an auntie! I might have to steal your idea for my own nieces. I just love how it allows them to get what they want without damaging their budget plus then, your gift to them is so personal. My wedding shoes were so simple and plain because I refused to spend extra on the shoes.:)

  2. I am with Audrey on stealing your idea! What a wonderful way to share the love with our nieces! We're still waiting on their Mr. Rights, but there's plenty of time to save for the shoes.

  3. I am with Audrey on stealing your idea! What a wonderful way to share the love with our nieces! We're still waiting on their Mr. Rights, but there's plenty of time to save for the shoes.

  4. What a wonderful idea! I love being an aunt. Ivan starting to share some of my special jewelry with my nieces. I don't have occasion for most of it and better I give it personally than through my will.

  5. What a wonder tradition you have started. I'm sure they appreciate it. Hugs

  6. That's a great idea! I used to do flowers for my friends and relatives weddings, but I'm getting to old for that! LOL I think I will offer the shoes next time 'round! Thanks for the idea! cheers!

  7. It's hard to one-up my sister, Lynn, on being a good aunt!


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