Monday, December 28, 2015

jack and jill--a quilt for Beth

Jack and Jill. Measures 60 " by 78".

Made with rectangles cut 2 1/2 by 4 1/2 inches (finish at 2 by 4). I ran out of the teal and decided to keep going with the strong yellow. I debated what was the top of the quilt and the yellow kept saying it belonged on the bottom.
Backed with a delightful toys fabric given to me by a quilting friend--when I showed her how I used it she said she could not for the life of her figure out why she gave it away.

I usually don't like cute quilting patterns, but this tumbling boys and girls continuous line one seemed made for this set. Quilted in red.

For my sister Beth with whom I spent many times rolling down the hay and straw bales in the haymow.

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