Saturday, December 26, 2015

chickens--a quilt for Janna

Made from the 12 inch chicken block found in Farm Girl Vintage by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet book.
The back has actual chicken feed sacks, saved by my mother. I had to work around the holes left by the chain stitched closing. There are a few stains here and there, but that adds to the story!

Janna was my egg gathering partner. We were both terrified of the chickens. She would hit the outside of the nest boxes with a stick to shoo out the chickens so I could get to the eggs. I thought she was so brave!
My mother's sister recently moved to a nursing home and many of her photographs came to Mom who found this one of her mother, my Grandma Ella Scholten, with her chickens.

1 comment:

  1. I love your chicken quilt. It is adorable. It's so great that you used some of your precious feed sacks. Love it, and that photo is the best. I love looking at my families old photos. I love all the stories that go with them.


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