Saturday, December 19, 2015


I spent yesterday and today making bindings and doing the machine work for finishing 5 quilts, simplifying the task a bit by using the same Kona Rich Red fabric for 4 of the quilts. I've usually used prints for bindings, but have been drawn to solids lately. LOTS of handwork to do. My sisters and mother and I plan to gather at a cabin for a few days early Christmas week. I told them to bring their thimbles! (They don't know it yet, but each will go home with a quilt.)


  1. What a nice surprise they will have. Shhhtt! I won't tell. Promised! lol

  2. What great gifts! I love red binding too.

  3. What a wonderful gift. How big are your quilts and how do you decide who gets which quilt? Or do you make each with a specific recipient in mind?

  4. What a wonderful way to gift quilts. I love the Chicken quilt. Need to put that on my to do list. Have a very Happy Holiday Season. Hugs


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