Sunday, October 11, 2015

a humble sew-a-long: Cascadia

Lori at Humble Quilts had a sew-a-long last November with her delightful take on an antique quilt she named Cascadia.
I sewed-a-long and mine did not turn out quite as perfectly as I had hoped. While quilting I kept trying to have the pieces fit exactly and they wouldn't.
A wise commenter  encouraged me to let the humble quilt be humble. I decided I wanted it flat and square more than I wanted it perfect, so I requilted it, squared it up chopping the edges and here is my humble result.
Another participant said hers looked like Indian corn--I like that reference for this little quilt!

I love it.

Quirky fabrics from my mother's and my stashes, backing of fall theme fabric with bittersweet and birds.
Thanks, Lori!
17 1/2 by 16 3/4 inches


  1. Beautiful! Indian corn is fun description! Thank you for blog visit, somehow I could not reply to your email.

  2. I agree too. Indian corn is a very good description. It is lovely in its quirky-ness. Congrats on the finish. Mine still isn't finished but more than half is quilted. I'll get there eventually. ;^)

  3. I love it and all its humbleness!


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