Tuesday, August 04, 2015

seeing stars sew-a-long

I am participating in Turning Twenty's block of the month "Seeing Stars".
Sign ups are now closed, but you can purchase the block instructions on their website.

The blocks are made at 6 inches and 12 inches. I am using 30's repros and repeating the fabrics within the block It is interesting how the scale of the fabric plays out in the different sizes.

I was going to use different yellows for the backgrounds, but am falling in love with this very soft yellow--now to try to figure out what it is so I can get more as I have only a bit left.

1 comment:

  1. That is so pretty with the yellow! I have not started on mine yet but the patterns are saved.... I will try to catch up next week after our Turkish vacation. We so need some sun and warmth after a very cold and rainy summer. Everything is so late, my peonies are just starting to bloom, the rhododendron just finished and so did the lilacs! Keep showing your progress please, I need the inspiration:) hugs from Sweden!


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