Tuesday, August 11, 2015

churn dash, top completed

It is set 8 by 10 blocks, measuring 72 by 90 inches.
80 blocks, 9 inches finished.
It was so much fun again using the wild prints from my stash and many from my neighbor.
The solids were also in my stash including quite a few from my mother's fabrics.

Early in my nursing career I cared for a man with Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease. The first neurologic indication of his disease was his uncharacteristic repainting his garage a different bright color for every board. He bewilderingly asked me what was so wrong about doing that and I explained it wasn't the act of painting it that way, it was that this was a sudden change in how he was expressing himself.
I told Andy that with my recent change of making very bright quilts, he may want to keep an eye on me for a prion disease.


  1. Interesting about the patient! I do love your new expression of fun!

  2. I am loving your bright period. So much inspiration, so little time!

  3. I just thought you liked variety. That is a great use for the novelties and brights.

  4. Oh gosh, I love this quilt!

  5. What a great quilt! Very colorful and sparky.:)

  6. This quilt is GORgeous!!! :)


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