Saturday, July 11, 2015

rail fence in streak of lightning set, top completed

It is huge! About 84 by 102 inches.
The unit (finishing 6 inches) is a rail fence, with two rails made from 2 1/2 inch cut squares and the third with a solid 2 1/2 by 6 1/2 inch cut strip. I used a Moda Blue.
I put 4 of these units into a 12 inch block. If you go to my earlier post you will see my pressing plan.
You may notice the odd floating units along one edge. I could have figured out how to make that edge flow, but decided the simplest solution was the lazy way, and let them float.

And, it used up 1/4th of my 2 1/2 inch squares! Just one and a half shoe boxes left of them. I am trying to pull together my sewing room, so I fear they both will be full again soon. I need a new 2 1/2 inch square project...


  1. You are on such a glorious roll!

  2. That is a very colourful blue quilt. I've never seen a Rail Fence made with 2.5 inch squares before and I love it. As for the next project, I'm sure you will come up with something original, once again. Enjoy!! ;^)

  3. Very cool! Too bad it didn't use more fabric though. That always seems to be the case!


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