Sunday, June 14, 2015


Claire Witherspoon over at Cspoonquilt has put together a tutorial inspired by an antique quilt from Barbara Brackman's blog.

Here is the tutorial:
Here is the quilt on Barbara's blog.

My first quilt was a ships quilt made for my nephew back in 1980.
I have started some new blocks using Claire's directions. I have changed up the pressing a bit to accommodate my sewing quirks, and have discovered I really hate trimming half square triangles to size, but will persevere. Her directions are well written and her blocks are great inspiration.

A funny story about ship quilts. When my sister curated a display of military artifacts, one family brought in a quilt a neighbor made for them in memory of their brother who died at sea in WWII.
I remarked, "Oh, a ships quilt," to which the woman said, "What?" For 60 years she just saw it as abstract triangles and rectangles--she didn't see a ship depicted. Now she wonders how they missed that!


  1. Lovely blocks Lynn. I saw the quilt on Barbara's blog and thought it was a great way for using up scraps. I have also made a ship quilt and intend to make another one too. They are fun to make.

  2. Hey Lyn, Your blocks look great! And that is a really funny story about that ladies preception of the quilt! But I guess I could understand if the person was completely unfamiliar with quilts?! Thanks for linking with my blog, it's nice to share info around! cheers, CW


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