Thursday, June 04, 2015

next up, tessellated crosses

In my small group we choose a fabric type for the others to give us on our birthdays. Kathryn asked for strips of fabrics we were working with for a tessellated cross quilt.
I enjoyed making one about  20 years ago, so while cutting for Kathryn, I decided to make one too.

My pieces are cut from 2 1/2 inch strips, with two 2 1/2 squares and one 6 1/2 inch rectangle for each cross. A few 4 1/2 inch rectangles are needed on the ends here and there to complete the pattern.

I am working from the bottom up, but sideways so I can use the length of my design board for the width of the quilt.
I lay out about 3-5 rows, sew them together, then lay out 3-5 more.  It goes fairly fast.
Many fabrics are from my mother's stash of scraps sewing for us as children.
I am enjoying my first weeks of a reduced summer work schedule. Lots of machine time and hand bindings work. Now, to find someone in this house willing to hold some quilts for pictures!


  1. I want to make one too!!


  2. As always, truly inspiring. My to do list is increasing steadily!!!
    Best regards!


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