Monday, May 25, 2015

another graduation!

Our son Paul graduated last week in New York from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.
We wish you well, Paul!
The processional was very formal with Elgar, and the recessional was a fun surprise with a Frank Sinatra recording of "New York, New York!"
This quilt will be his--a postage stamp made with 2 inch cut (1 1/2 finished) squares, with fabrics coming from my mother's scraps and my own. Over 70 years worth!
The back is made from more green and terracotta fabrics from my shelves.
Quilted by Sue DiVarco


  1. Congrats to your son and The quilt is great!!


  2. Congratulations, Paul! A degree AND a beautiful quilt!


  3. I really like this idea. Since I just finished assembling most of my solids into one cabinet, I can choose a pretty blue and try it. Well, okay, after I finish a few other things. Thanks for sharing.


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