Sunday, January 04, 2015

the princess and the pea

When I was about five, my Aunt Betty gave my sister Janna and me each a dime to spend at the Hull Rexall Drug Store. I selected a book, The Princess and the Pea, even though it cost a quarter.
Aunt Betty was kind enough to cover the difference, and it became my favorite book.

The illustrations of the stacked mattresses and quilts come to mind often when I look at my work.
I had hoped to uncover my copy when we took apart our parents' house, but it was not to be found.
So, thanks to Alibris (and, this time, without Aunt Betty covering the difference) I was able to replace it and enjoy the illustrations once again.
Both my sisters stack the quilts I've given them in the Princess and the Pea style too!
Here is Beth's stack:
And here is Janna's:

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