Wednesday, July 09, 2014

a shoebox full of two inch squares

I am working with two inch cut squares since the box is full.
The solid is Kona Celadon.

While I am sewing these, I am also cutting down scraps, so the box seems to be getting fuller...

I am putting these together in rows of 6 patches, making 36 patch blocks that finish 9 inches.

I have about 20 blocks completed and will continue until I run out of the celadon.

Kathie over at Inspired by Antique Quilts is making a postage stamp quilt from 1 1/2 inch cut squares and gave me the inspiration to start this.


  1. oh they look great! isn't it funny how the scrap box/basket never seems to get lower????
    I think thats a good thing though! Love the solid color, wow.
    ok the quilt on the wall is interesting, hope to see more of that soon, I am in a blue phase right now!

  2. Lynn, that is just the best box ever, ever, ever!! I do adore your scrap quilts, they are the best!

  3. A box full of fabric ready to be sewn is the best treasure box if you ask me. I find cutting fabric a chore... sometimes. I have a leader N ender project with 1 1/2 inch squares with white sashing. Guess I'll have to show that someday. Anyway, lovely with the celadon colour.

  4. Love it!!


  5. That kinda funky shade of green looks wonderful - very happily unexpected!

  6. Lynn,I enjoy your blog. Your quilts are beautiful. That box of squares is ready for your machine! I better get cutting my own....
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Terri in Texas


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