Wednesday, April 23, 2014

doll quilt exchange

Lori at Humble Quilts organized a Doll Quilt exchange and I am the fortunate recipient of Sandy Helin's adorable piece. Sandy blogs at My Material Creations.
The blocks finish 4 inches, and the quilt measures 18 1/2 by 13 inches.
She chose fabrics with care, hand quilted it. and used a butted binding that she has a tutorial for on her blog. I am going to have to try that soon. And, I love the backing fabric!

Thank you, Sandy, for this wonderful quilt, and Lori, for making it happen.


  1. Oh my goodness, that is darling.

  2. And thank you for the scraps, which I just received yesterday!


  3. felicidades !!!
    es precioso

  4. Lynn,

    You are truly an artist!! thank you very much for your nice comment in my mom's blog.I`m Marta. We are both thrilled with your blog and the plaid shirt quilts. Awesome!, I found your link in Quilting Board and fall in love with your Chinese Coins... and I did mine, and now all mi family wants one!!! If you wish you can see it here:

    Thank you again for your inspiring blog and wonderful quilts.

    Marta & Nieves Mª


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