Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goodnight, Irene--February progress

 Progressing with my Goodnight, Irene from the sew-along organized by Terry's Treasures. I am following Julie's lead in scaling the block down and using scraps from my 2 inches cut bin. The solid is Kona Punch. Like Julie, I am making 50 16-patch blocks and 49 X blocks.
Thanks, Terry, for this encouragement and Julie for the inspiration!


  1. Your blocks are amazing! And you're very welcome! It's been a great sew-along so far! :0)

  2. Aren't you nice...thank you, and your quilt is terrific!!

  3. Wow! I love your blocks, the Kona Punch makes wonderful X blocks. This is going to be a fun Goodnight Irene quilt.

    I'm so enjoying Terry's SAL and seeing everyone's blocks. Fabric choices really make the quilts look different.

  4. Wow, a very stunning quilt. Hugs,xx

  5. Wow! That pink really makes it pop! Love it!

  6. Your blocks look great!

  7. Great fabrics you're using for "Goodnight Irene"
    I also joined Terry with the Sew-A-Long,,
    Sew sad she has decided to stop blogging...


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