Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Goodnight, Irene--Goodnight, Pete

The news this morning of Pete Seeger's death yesterday had me set aside my current project and instead join Terry's Treasures sew-along Goodnight, Irene.
I am using a smaller grid, using my 2 inch scrap bin to yield a 6 inch finished block.
My constant is Kona Cotton Punch, cut into 3 1/2 inch squares.
Thanks, Terry, for the inspiration!

2014 Sew-Along

2014 Sew-Along


  1. How pretty! Your Kona punch constant is a wonderful choice!

  2. I'm sure your quilt will be lovely!

  3. What size scraps do you usually cut your fabric into or what size do you find most useful? I have stacks of leftover pieces and would love to get some organization into my sewing life and have already cut pieces ready for a scrap quilt.

  4. I like the 'punch'. It's such a happy color.

  5. Beautiful color, I think. That is going to be one stunning quilt!

  6. Your blocks look great! :0)

  7. Your Irene blocks will definitely have a punch of color.

  8. Hello, Lynn. I'm a first time visitor to your blog. Not sure how I got here, but the first thing I read were posts re: your creation of "An Extravagant Welcome," the delightful quilt with all the little boys and girls. That's now on my bucket list. I absolutely love it, and thanks for all the instructions.
    I wandered around some more and found your Bowties and Spools quilts, displayed side-by-side at the quilt show. I love the simplicity and also the dramatic punch that each one has. Two more for my bucket list.
    Then I found your post "Unit Bocks -- Planned Randomness," the 4" blocks with 1 x 2" finished pieces, with red in each. Brilliant, cool, and another bucket list candidate.
    I can't look any further right now--inspiration overload--though I'm curious about your Iowa connections with family. I kept reading "Iowa" here and there with your family photos and stories.
    I will be back, that's for sure.
    Thanks for a delightful time, browsing through your blog.


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