Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bowties and Spools at the Chicago Botanic Garden

I submitted two quilts to the Fine Art of Fiber exhibit at the Chicago Botanic Garden.
They were hung together at my request, because they are both made with scraps from my own and my mother's fabric collections.
There are fabrics of well over 80 years of sewing for 6 generations of our family.

Each quilt has 672 three inch blocks. Spools uses Kona Rich Red for the constant. Bowties uses Moda Bella Gold.
They were quilted by Sue DiVarco using wool batts.

There is planning in each quilt. Units for each were pieced into blocks of 4; the Spools had a pink spool in each block and the Bowties had a red bowtie in each block.

Both quilts were made in response to scrap challenges on Bonnie Hunter's blog.


  1. Wow! Your quilts are great! The red and cheddar are great backgrounds!
    I'm still working on my spools. They get to take whatever time they need, one day they will be a finished quilt. My granddaughter, soon to be five, loves the alphabet quilt you inspired. She gets it out and says: Mommo, tell me which letter. All in Swedish except the word letter. I just love it:)

  2. Wow, just beautiful. They are so bright and colorful. How special to have quilts that represent your sewing family history. I'd love to see the show if it is still up in mid December.

  3. Beautiful, Lynn! I love these quilts--and so happy you could show them to the world!


  4. Super, the quilts are so beautiful and they are being displayed. What an honor.

  5. Your quilts are beautiful, and what a fun thing to have them displayed there!! I mostly love your honoring your family by using all those little pieces of fabric from generations, that is truly wonderful!!

  6. I saw your quilts on another blog (Kathleen Tracy, I think) from her trip to the quilt show. I recognized them from your blog when you were making them. Your quilts are such treasures and it's wonderful that you shared them in the show. Wish I could have seen them 'in person', but alas, I live too far away. I really admire your work.

  7. They look great - wish I could see them in person!

  8. Fabulous quilts!

  9. What a gift you have shared with us! Love quilts that have a rich family story.

  10. I went to the show on Sunday. I saw both quilts and then read your name on the label. I knew they were Quiltville challenges! Hanging them side-by-side enhances their designs.

    I included pictures of them on my report from the show, too.


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