Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Mom making root beer, about 1973.

Mom would make several batches root beer every summer.
We first would let it ferment in the attic, until several batches exploded and it took too much to clean up the syrupy mess in such a small space.
After that, and realizing in our non-air conditioned Iowa farm house it was 90 degrees throughout, we would let it ferment in the living room under a blanket--the blanket to contain the bottles that still would explode.

In this picture, Mom is giving a demonstration on the process at our town's centennial.

(We really liked the idea of drinking root beer out of beer bottles. We were not the best behaved of children.)


  1. You must tell me the story that goes with this picture!

    Happy Mothers Day, dear Lynn!


  2. It looks like she was teaching a class -- the posters on the back hall seem to outline each step. Maybe you can tell us the story?

    Melissa in California

  3. awesome! too cute about drinking out of the beer bottles! love that. ;)


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