Saturday, April 21, 2012

an extravagent welcome: they all show up

All 147 children have shown up and are too many to fit on my wall, so they are on the floor.


  1. absolutely great. I've loved watching this quilt grow.

  2. So, will you hand quilt or have it long armed ?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I LOVE this quilt!! Maybe someday....

    Thanks for your tutorial.

    Barb in Sioux Center, IA

  5. No cookie-cutter patterned children here. I love how each child is different in unique ways like children in real life. You differentiated your techniques to bring out the personality of each child! Each one tells a different story.

  6. Lovely, Lynn!!


  7. I just found your blog today and wanted to thank you for sharing the pattern of the children. I love seeing how you make it all come together. I teach high school and can see this quilt helping so many in such different ways. Each child is different and love how that is protrayed in the quilt! I'm definately going to make a quilt like yours. Thanks again.

  8. This is fantastic. I love all the variety. Thanks for showing us how you went about putting this together.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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