Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A time out for the children for now as, at my dear neighbor Sharon's request, I show how to make this Shuttle pattern.
I originally saw this in a McCall's magazine. I redrafted it smaller.

The scraps are 2 inch squares cut.
I saved all red scraps for use in the triangles and used all other colors in the other spots.

The solid (a Kona light aqua, much more beautiful than it is photographing) is cut into 3 1/2 inch squares and 3 1/2 by 6 1/2 inch rectangles

I am preparing to make this again out of shirt plaids.

Three blocks:

made from four 2 inch scraps

Framed square
made from one 3 1/2 inch solid and twelve 2 inch scraps

made from one 6 1/2 by 3 1/2 inch solid rectangle and four red 2 inch scraps as sew-and-flip

There are also two finishing pieces to complete the pattern on the four edges of the top

made from four two inch scraps

Flying goose
made from a 2 by 3 1/2 inch solid rectangle and two red 2 inch scraps as sew-and-flip

You will also need four 2 inch squares to complete the corners.

Enjoy! And Sharon, I'll be right over with that coffee pot I borrowed in early December....


  1. I *L*O*V*E* the quilt!!!!!

  2. Awww, VERY beautiful! And with my favorite 30s fabrics! :-)

  3. Adorable, as are your little people!

  4. Thank you thank you thank you Lynn!!

    The quilt is gorgeous in the photos but even more so in real life.


  5. Oh My Word!! What a beautiful quilt! It just sparkles!

  6. Lovely for a child! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Pretty quilt! And I LOVE the colors :)

  8. Great pattern. Thanks so much for the tutorial so I can make one too!! (smile)

  9. The quilt is beautiful! Thanks for the tuto.

  10. I just found your quilt on Pinerest! Beautiful. :)

  11. This is so pretty! I love that your blog title is connected to your ancestral roots. That's great! I might try this pattern.
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Can you provide a seam allowance? 1/4 looks right until I match the pieces up and then it looks like maybe it's supposed to be 3/8? I have ripped my pieces apart and started over three times already.

  13. Thanks so much for your help with the seam allowances! I will start fresh this weekend and make sure that none of my 3/8ths pieces sneak in.

    I appreciate your help!

  14. Thanks so much for sending the measurement clarifications. I love the pattern. This is coming along: http://www.houseofkitten.com/blog-native/2015/12/17/come-together


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